Why Human Transcription Still Beats AI: Laughable Mistakes That Prove the Point
Artificial intelligence has transformed many industries, and transcription is no exception. While AI transcription software offers un-human speed, it’s far from perfect. Anyone who has used these tools knows they can produce some truly baffling results. These moments of machine misinterpretation are not just amusing but also a reminder of why human transcription remains essential.
Recently, while doing some transcription work, we’ve encountered some examples of AI transcription gone hilariously wrong. From bizarre substitutions to completely nonsensical sentences, these errors highlight the limitations of relying solely on algorithms to understand HUMAN language. Let’s dive into a few of these blunders that show why the human touch is still irreplaceable in transcription.
So we took off in convoy back to the Suez Canal, through the Suez Canal, back to
MissouriBizerte.I guess you’ve heard of
AnahitaEnewetak.My father, his name was
MokosakMarkus Zack.Did you find out when he was transported to
Terezin, statTheresienstadt?We had
a tick tockto tiptoe all the way back to the Philippines.And the chaplain
at Meredith'sthat married us was a Catholic chaplain who was from South Portland, Maine.So, anyway, then
when they came with the draft, as I said, I was afor declassification4D classification.
And this dwarfAnd Düsseldorf was just like some of the pictures I saw here.We were at a village called
Wingen sur Moder. Wingen on the motor River.Wingen-sur-Moder—Wingen on the Moder River.They
were bored withbartered everything for a piece of food.No, Mr.
Battle fatigue,Pietroforte, don’t do that.And we’re just biding our time before the attack on
HawkenAachen.It’s similar to a picture that I have
for Michelle Hallfrom a shell hole.